Keep your eye on the prize. Your dream is too small, your vision too narrow.
A phone call is not the dream. Think bigger.
A date is not the dream. Think bigger still.
A conversation is not the dream. The dream is bigger still.
A first kiss is not the dream. The dream is deeper still.
As great as these might be, they are but bits and pieces of something grander.
Don’t rob the magic of these small future moments by plotting out all their details now.
Instead, dream dreams worth dreaming, and let the rest go.
Don’t lose yourself in the details. Rest your hope in a safer, more stable place– in real love, a real meeting of the minds, something that can last.
Let your dream be big and grand and unafraid. Then wait with confidence for the world’s answer, knowing that God doesn’t create good and holy dreams like these without plans to fulfill them.
Summer 2015