The Dating Game

So I’ve decided to shed light on my dating experience. If there’s anything I ought to be writing about, it should be this. Finding my life partner is perhaps the most important quest I will undertake in this life and that exploration deserves blog space to be sure.

After mourning the loss of a relationship that held no staying power last year, I ventured out into the dating scene with a surprising and unexpected hope. I was certain that there were good men out there and that I ought to meet them. And as God would have it, my reality proved my hope true.

I have met five guys in the last five months and been in touch with several others whom I have not yet met. None of those I have met have been keepers but I’m encouraged by their company and thankful to know them.

I’ve learned much in the process. I’ve discovered some personal tendencies, trigger points and insecurities that weren’t apparent to me before.  Not surprisingly so. How would I know them if I don’t put myself in spaces that would draw them out?

I’ve discovered things that are more important to me than I realized. I’ve grown in courage and confidence. And I believe this experience has played a part in helping me to find a life outside of work that is all mine. And for that, I am incredibly grateful.

I think it’s really easy to dismiss the power and impact of the journey because we become consumed with the end goal. Believe me, I’m not far removed from this tendency. I lose hope at times still because I haven’t yet reached the end goal.

But I find that reflecting on and writing about the journey somehow validates and gives it worth. There’s movement in the middle. There’s growth there and I don’t want to miss that. Lord, give me eyes to see it. Amen.

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